Friday, August 29, 2008

Scott's Snak Shack

When I was in high school, I worked at a small "mom and pop" hamburger shop called "Scott's Snak Shack." The owners' last name was Scott. I had a great time there getting to know the people of our small hometown and learning what it was like to earn a wage. Dennis used to come in there and mess with me (i.e. telling me to come to him because he had something to tell me and then ripping out my headband letting my hair look a wreck, etc.) with or without his girlfriend (before me). We both have many memories of the beloved Snak Shack.

We have taken the kids there to eat some of the "cuisine" on our way through town over the years. About a year ago (or so) they were bought out, and it is now "Big G's". Same food, just different owners.

All of this to say that my youngest daughter, Molly, informed me the other day that she and her friends play "Scott's Snak Shack" on the playground! They get in the little house-looking-thing on the playground and yell at the top of their voices, "Scott's Snak Shack!!" looking for customers. I laughed so hard and still laugh at the thought. I got to see it first-hand the other day at school. It's quite funny. I bet the owner, Sandy Scott, would find it comical and yet honoring. If anyone sees her soon, please let her know that Scott's lives on at Covenant Harvest School's playground. :)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Speaking of Star Wars...

I read a book entitled, "Finding God in a Galaxy Far, Far Away", and there were some great truths in it. Here are some from the end of the book:

In God's story, heroes don't have to be powerful; they simply have to be available.

Jesus reminded us that the true hero's quest lies not in creating new possibilities for tomorrow but in seeing today's possibilities with new eyes.

What if you spent every moment as Jesus did, looking for epic possibilities?

In as much as you see divine possibilities where the rest of the world sees only difficulties and trivialities, you are a hero.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Just a thought--if Luke Skywalker is the "Christ" figure, the Senator or Chancellor guy is the "Satan" figure, and the force is the "God" figure, would Yoda be the "Holy Spirit" figure?

Friday, August 22, 2008

Is this mic on? and school year

I'm thinking about not writing anymore as I think nobody is reading this thing.

Anyway, I had a great summer, I had a major breakthrough as a teacher, and I spent quality time with my family.

School has begun. We have had 3 days, and I am EXHAUSTED! It's good, though. I love it. I have to be a lot more on my toes this year with these boys. I feel like the last 10 years have just been a training ground for this year. There's no way I could have taught this class 2 years ago or when I first began teaching 10 years ago. I see God's hand in all of the timing that has brought me to this place.

I also began to realize that I didn't "miss God" like I thought all of these years that I had. I always wanted to be a teacher, but, just like one of my previous blogs tells about, I was told I would be poor the rest of my life. I received a business management degree, and a year after that thought I really missed God by not getting a teaching degree. God revealed to me that I didn't miss Him, He knew that is what I would do, and I was saved from learning how to teach the wrong way. I have been schooled on the job and by Him, which is way better for me and the students. That was SUCH a relief, and I have a confidence now that was lacking.

Now my aim is to point the students at all times toward God. Why do we learn, obey rules, learn Logic/Latin/History, etc? To glorify God.

It's going to be a great year. It may be exhausting, but well worth it.