Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The real gift

Christmas has always been such a happy holiday to me...the wonder of it all...Jesus...born so long ago in such terrible conditions. A murderous plot, Mary and Joseph traveling so far for government business, no room for them so they must go to a stable and birth a baby among dirty animals, smells, no accommodations; UNCOMFORTABLE. The wise men finding more than they ever realized they were searching for...they come in worship and find their lives changing forever. The shepherds being counted as worthy to go see the newborn Messiah. What a beautiful love story God has given us to ponder on all year and be amazed by our whole lives. Happy birthday, Jesus! The real gift IS You!

I know some people are not so happy during the holiday season. Memories too painful crowd out the joy of the season. Some so lonely they cannot bear to try to find joy. I pray that those thoughts never have to invade my mind. I pray that even as life deals blows (which it will), that I will always keep in mind the real joy I have in Jesus. It IS during these times that I miss my Granny so much. She loved making Christmas special for the grandkids. Her last Christmas she spent apologizing for not making it very special because she was in the hospital. I hope she is celebrating this Christmas with Jesus and that each Christmas she finds more and more joy in Him as He reveals more of Himself to her.

Merry Christmas!


Joy said...

Love this. I know what it is like to miss people at this time of year and always. But Jesus is the real gift. And He has made life eternal possible. How amazing. Love you! Have a wonderful CHRISTmas season!

Kerri said...

Holidays used to be so terrible for me but now they're awesome. Jesus makes everything right.