Tuesday, June 24, 2008


As I was reading a friend's blog today, she was talking about how she has lost her joy, and she is on a journey to find it. I know the feeling. About 3-4 years ago I really began to realize that I am not a joyful person by nature. I think it is a generational thing in some of my family members, but even if I am happy about life, I don't tend to portray that. This really bugged me. I had to talk to someone. I asked a friend of mine (who always seemed to be joyful) what his secret was: how could he always be "up". He told me of a dream that he had had:

"I was at my own funeral, but nobody could see me. I was watching it all happen and shouting, 'I'm right here! Don't look in there, it isn't me! I'm alive, really!,' etc." He told me that he had become so "dead" that nobody could see him "alive". It was after that dream that he began to cry out to God to give him joy, and He did.

I have been praying the same thing, and although I am not completely changed, I believe God is helping me.

Colossians 1:9-12 "We pray that you'll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul-not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives. It is a strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for us."

I love those verses from the Message. Really, no matter how I feel or circumstances around me, because of who He is and what He has done--that alone should give me joy.

God, may You be the lifter of my head.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Dance, Dance, Dance!

We just bought Dance, Dance Revolution (the Disney version) on eBay. We received it in the mail today, so of course there's been a lot of dancing going on in the house (myself included)! It is quite fun, and if you accidentally pick difficult--just stand off to the side and wait for it to finish because, oh my goodness, who could ever keep up? That will have to be my next goal. :) The kids tell me that one of their friends does "expert". I can't even imagine my brain working that fast. How do you do it, Isaiah?

It's a fun way to sweat and to have fun with the kids. GREAT invention.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Family Awards Night

Tonight we had our 1st Annual Family Awards Night. (I don't know if it will be an annual thing, I just think it sounds good. :)) I had thought since there has been some dissension in our midst, it would be good to discuss what we love about each other in an "awards" way. For example, "You win the Best Smile Award." I gave the family two weeks to prepare, and it was so much fun!

First, I cooked a large dinner with a lot of our "favorite" foods. We then all got dressed up, set the table with my china and feasted. I had baked individual cakes last night for the occasion.

After our cakes, we cleaned up the dining room and traveled to the living room for the "awards ceremony." Hosted by Daddy Jamison, we presented from oldest to youngest. Dennis and I both ended up giving the kids certificates that looked very much alike. (How funny!) However, he went one better by writing each of the kids a letter that was very heartfelt. We teared up reading Shelden's, and when Molly read hers, she stopped at one point and cried openly. She couldn't finish reading it out loud, so her sister helped finish reading it. There was not a dry eye in the house!

Shelden presented each of us a handmade trophy out of construction paper that stated what our award was for. (It very much DID look like a trophy--she's so creative!) She then read to us what she had thought long and hard about and put to writing. Very nice.

Sammy had written us each a card and told us what our "award" is. Very cute.

And finally, Molly had written us each a note telling what she loves about us and had created interesting ways to wrap them in construction paper. Very heartfelt.

We then played Uno Attack and Swap! card games. A great time was had by all. I will always cherish moments like this.

Some of the awards presented:
Daddy: Best Provider Award, Best Personality Award, Most Hardworking Award, Big Brain Award
Mommy: Most Responsible (I got that one twice! I must be very responsible, eh?), Best Mom Award (for feeding and taking care of them)
Shelden: Most Driven Award, Best Basest Award, Biggest Heart Award, Best Artist Award
Sammy: Most Tender Heart Award, Best Eater Award, Best Imagination Award, Best at Loving Legos Award
Molly: Best Worship/Singer Award, Best Giver Award, Most Dramatic Award, Most Generous Award

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Rollie Pollies and such

I guess since this blog is entitled "My Kansan Life" I should probably tell some stories about my life. First, a not-so-serious one.

Rollie pollies. I don't know if everyone calls them that, but that is what I have always called pill bugs. They are small with a lot of legs and roll up into a ball when you try to handle them. When I was small I used to like to grab them up and pull them apart. We had several thousand in our yard, climbing on the foundation of our home, etc. I would spend hours doing this (well, it seemed like hours, maybe just 30 minutes?). I am not sure what the fascination was, but I found it fun.

One day as I was swinging on my swingset (my favorite thing in the world to do), I saw a colorful bug flying around. I thought it was pretty. I watched it as it settled down onto a flower. I reached down and grabbed it and pulled it apart. IMMEDIATELY my thumb began to throb with pain. I ran crying into my house where my mom could survey the damage. I told her what I had done. She proceeded to get some "mommy tools" out to get the nuisance out of my thumb. She then explained that I had pulled apart a bee, and to not mess with those "pretty" bugs anymore. They have stingers, and that is what I had in my thumb. Lesson learned.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

First time for everything

Well, something new happened to me today: something I never would have expected. It's not really that "big news" kind of thing; however, it really got me thinking.

I was at McDonald's with my children. We were enjoying spending some time together in between lots of "busyness". We were laughing and talking. There was another mother with her three children two tables down from us with the table between us empty. All of a sudden I could tell that the mother was trying to get my attention. I looked her way, and she asked me, "Could you watch these two while I take him (pointing to the middle child) to the restroom?" I smiled and said, "Sure." Now I realize what it's like when one of your children has to "go" in the worst possible moment, but I have NEVER asked a stranger no matter how kind they look to watch my kids. How could she possibly know that I would never harm her children? There are some moms out there that I would not put it past them to do harm, kidnap, etc. Maybe it was the fact that we prayed before eating. If she noticed that, I bet she concluded we would be nice? I really don't know. I'm glad she didn't leave them with someone who would take off with them. That would've been very sad. Anyway, I found it a bit odd. In fact, I'm wondering right now if we were on some kind of "Candid Camera" show...

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Much to post

Well, much has happened since my last post. I won't tell all, I'm sure, but here are the highlights:

We went camping in the Rocky Mountains for a whole week. In a ghetto camper. Surrounded by elk, ground squirrels, chipmunks and deer. And a rumored bear that we never saw. With an outhouse across the road and flushing toilets about 1/2 mile away uphill to get there, downhill back. (You thought I was going to say uphill both ways, huh?) It was breath-taking. Literally. The air is thin up that high. So here I am huffing and puffing just to go brush my teeth. (sigh) It's times like these that I wish I was about 17 again and stick thin. :) It really was beautiful, and we went with friends, so it was fun getting time with them. The camper was nicer than a tent, and I'm afraid a tent might have blown away a few days there because it was so windy. We went on an uphill hike for about 2 miles, which doesn't seem like much, but when you are only walking uphill for that long in the heat and thinner air, it seems much longer. We made it to our destination--a beautiful waterfall. We took group pictures. We then hit the showers at the YMCA. Of course, I got a headache. It was so bad I ended up throwing up my lunch in the YMCA yard. The kids can now officially say that they have seen me puke. Nice. I was down the rest of the evening and took pain pills every day after "just in case". The rest of the trip was fine other than falling into a frozen lake. I'm fine. Really. Otherwise I wouldn't be typing this update. It was quite funny, really. Ask me about it if you want details. 14 hour drive there and back. I still haven't quite recovered sleep, because as soon as we got home we have been dealing with bad tornado-producing weather almost every night. (sigh)

Today was fantastic as we visited a church in my hometown of Caney, KS. One of my friends from 1st-12th grade is the pastor, and he and his wife planned a cookout at the park with us, their family and two other families, one new to us, the other family is one of my dearest friends from high school and her husband and boys. We had a great time visiting and letting the kids play and get to know each other. I am really hoping to keep in touch with them this time.

Well, Dennis needs the computer. I will try to post again soon.