Wednesday, June 11, 2008

First time for everything

Well, something new happened to me today: something I never would have expected. It's not really that "big news" kind of thing; however, it really got me thinking.

I was at McDonald's with my children. We were enjoying spending some time together in between lots of "busyness". We were laughing and talking. There was another mother with her three children two tables down from us with the table between us empty. All of a sudden I could tell that the mother was trying to get my attention. I looked her way, and she asked me, "Could you watch these two while I take him (pointing to the middle child) to the restroom?" I smiled and said, "Sure." Now I realize what it's like when one of your children has to "go" in the worst possible moment, but I have NEVER asked a stranger no matter how kind they look to watch my kids. How could she possibly know that I would never harm her children? There are some moms out there that I would not put it past them to do harm, kidnap, etc. Maybe it was the fact that we prayed before eating. If she noticed that, I bet she concluded we would be nice? I really don't know. I'm glad she didn't leave them with someone who would take off with them. That would've been very sad. Anyway, I found it a bit odd. In fact, I'm wondering right now if we were on some kind of "Candid Camera" show...


Abigail Kreighbaum said...

People now-a-days! They do not even know how to parent their children!!!!

Jamison said...

That is kool. I think had I been the one with the kids, she would not have asked.