Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Full summer

Well, we are officially into our summer break. However, I will be "going to school" this summer. I have to learn two years of Latin and I will be figuring out a Logic course. (I laughingly told Deb, "I hope I am smart enough to teach this!") So, of course, I have loaded up my plate more for next year by teaching Logic to the High School during what would normally be my "planning" period. I will learn the third year of Latin next year in order to teach it to 5th grade every year after that. No rest for the weary, right? I will be teaching Logic to my 5th graders as well. I have some audio courses from last year's conference that I need to listen to sometime in between going to Colorado, Oregon, and Austin for this year's conference. It makes me tired just thinking about it! I'm confident that this summer will fly by. I hope I make the most of it and get much accomplished! Pray for me!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Great year

This has been a great school year. I had the privilege to teach my oldest daughter and one other terrific young man. They are such a great class, very easy to teach. Yesterday in chapel each teacher got up and spoke about what we see in our students and we got a chance to tell them how much we love them and will miss them next year. It was very touching. Fortunately, I get to still teach my students next year in the afternoon, so I am not exactly losing them for good. :) We do several things with the 6th grade class, too.

Here are some highlights of this year:
  • Learning a new and very long Bible song
  • Having a Thanksgiving brunch in class with 6th grade
  • Having a very special Lord's Supper together as a class; 5th grade only
  • Watching The Crossing in History class--good movie!
  • Reading Bridge to Terabithia in reading class and being shocked by some bad language
  • Watching Bridge to Terabithia in reading class
  • Reading The Cay in reading class
  • Doing projects about The Cay in class
  • Comparing the book Johnny Tremain with the movie
  • Reading The Indian in the Cupboard in class
  • Watching August Rush with 6th grade class
  • Having a week of celebrations with 6th grade
  • One student's mess around his desk
  • The girls coloring
  • Decorating the 6th grade room for Valentine's Day
  • Our Christmas party at school
  • Our end-of-year carnival
  • Singing "Superhero" in chapel
  • Getting new desks!
  • Having an all-school fun day
  • Wacky Week

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Good news

Well, good news! Our roof FINALLY got fixed, so after about 9 months, we have no more roof leaks! Yea for us! Our back porch ceiling is ripped out, but at least no more leaking!

My poison sumac seems to be getting very much better. I only itch in the evening now, and many places are fading away. My right leg looks the worst now. I'm just glad to be almost through with it!

Yesterday was a good day. Shelden turned 11, and she had a slumber party Friday night to celebrate with her friends. They played, cooked us dinner, and watched a movie. They stayed up way later than I did, and then we woke them up to go garage saleing Saturday morning. We hit a few sales, took a few of them home, and Bailey stayed with us until after lunch. I got a bad headache after that, and Dennis took the kids out to eat and shopping. They came home and gave me my Mother's Day gifts. Other than a headache, it was a great day.

This is our last week of school, and it should be fun. Two weeks until Colorado!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

My baby

I cannot believe my oldest daughter is going to turn 11 in two days. All those corny sayings about children growing up so fast are true. I truly cannot believe how quickly 11 years have passed. I was 11 years younger, which doesn't seem possible, either. :) I hope I am raising her to have her priorities straight: to love God with all her heart, soul, and mind, and to love others as herself.

Lovely Young Lady
by Michelle Jamison

She has grown to be a lovely young lady.
Where did all the time go?
She no longer plays with dolls, but maybe
She has turned play into song.

She has grown to be a lovely young lady.
Does she know she's as beautiful inside?
She writes psalms and song a-plenty
From the depths of her heart and mind.

She has stolen time and grown three feet.
What am I to do?
I must tell her all she means to me
Before childhood is through.

I love you, Shelden-skins!

Monday, May 5, 2008

It's May!

So I have the song, "The Lusty Month of May" going around in my head from the musical Camelot. Terrible lyrics because it is so ungodly, but a catchy song nonetheless. Of course, that makes me want to watch the musical...it's my favorite, especially when Richard Harris played King Arthur. He will always be King Arthur to me. In the video I have of it, he plays the part with so much life, that he is all but spent at the curtain call. He looks so exhausted. I appreciate that kind of dedication. I have always loved the story: the knights of the round table, King Arthur, how he came to be king, etc. The music is quite lovely and catchy. King Arthur loves so deeply and loses everything he holds dear. It doesn't stop his love, though. That reminds me of how much God loves us. We become unfaithful at times, but He still loves. Anyway, it's MAY. "It's here, that shocking time of year..."