Sunday, May 11, 2008

Good news

Well, good news! Our roof FINALLY got fixed, so after about 9 months, we have no more roof leaks! Yea for us! Our back porch ceiling is ripped out, but at least no more leaking!

My poison sumac seems to be getting very much better. I only itch in the evening now, and many places are fading away. My right leg looks the worst now. I'm just glad to be almost through with it!

Yesterday was a good day. Shelden turned 11, and she had a slumber party Friday night to celebrate with her friends. They played, cooked us dinner, and watched a movie. They stayed up way later than I did, and then we woke them up to go garage saleing Saturday morning. We hit a few sales, took a few of them home, and Bailey stayed with us until after lunch. I got a bad headache after that, and Dennis took the kids out to eat and shopping. They came home and gave me my Mother's Day gifts. Other than a headache, it was a great day.

This is our last week of school, and it should be fun. Two weeks until Colorado!


Abigail Kreighbaum said...

I am so exited about Colorado!!!!!

Shelden said...

Ditto Abigail. One more week!!!!!!!! I'm very excited that our roof got fixed