Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Leaky Roofs

Yesterday I told about our leaky roof, and I was thinking about it all day. I was thinking about how we all appreciate a roof over our heads, especially one that doesn't leak. We don't want anything from "above" to be able to get inside of the place where we are. I began to think about a spiritual parallel to this. What if we didn't want anything from "above" to get to us? What would we do? We would try to block it. We try to block God out when we know we are not doing well, when we blame Him for circumstances, when we ignore Him and His voice, or when we just become too busy with the world to look to Him. I want a leaky spiritual roof. In fact, I want the roof taken off! I do not want to block Him out. I want His rain to pour on me, saturating my life, making me whole. And not just whole for ME. His purpose is not so that I become an overfull rain droplet, but so that I can pour on someone else, giving them the refreshing water that I have received, as I go back for more of Him. Leaky roofs and leaky people. That is what He desires.