Sunday, April 6, 2008


Yesterday I took the kids to visit my Grandad in Coffeyville. The kids just went for a few minutes to say hello and so Grandad could say a few things to them. I stayed a tad longer so we could talk alone. It was a good visit, lots of crying, though.

I went by Grandad's home and found a handwritten journal written by my Great-grandmother (whom we called More-Granny). She passed away when I was about 4-5 years old. She wrote the history of her family and things that had happened after marrying my Great-grandpa. I read it last night when we got home. It was so fascinating! Even little things were fascinating: how much they spent on gas for their gas stove, what they built their homes with and how small the homes were, etc. I tell you what, people back then were tough. Things they had to endure and go through, I do not think I am strong enough to handle most of that. The very last page had cut-outs from the newspaper of my parents' engagement with a beautiful picture of my mom, and one of my dad in his air force uniform mentioning how he was assigned to go to San Antonio, TX, for on-the-job training. (This is where my sister would be born.) Very cool.

My Granny was always good about writing letters, notes, sending cards for all the holidays, etc. She loved writing. Reading More-Granny's journal made me realize where she got it. I love sending encouraging notes to people. I feel as though it is one thing that I can do for God. I don't know if you could consider it a "calling", but it's one of the best suited callings for me, in my opinion. Sometimes I struggle with, "What can I do for God?" This is one thing that I don't have to question. I CAN do this, and so I do. I CAN wrap Mexico boxes, and so I do. I hope that God will be glorified in everything that I do.


Shelden said...

You should read that book to us kids.

Lots of love,

Jamison said...

That is cool. I encourage you to DO what you are able to do. We all should DO what we can. Our limitations are of our own creation. Love you!

Shelden said...

This just came to mind and I can't think of any other way to tell it to you other than writing it down: When I think of my mom I think of flowers.
When I think of my mom I think of spring.
When I think of my mom i think of snow on the ground.
When I think of my mom I think of the colors of fall.
When i think of my mom I think of children at play.
When I think of my mom I think of the fresh smell of clothes when they come out of the dryer.
When I think of my mom I think of wind chymes singing in the wind.
When I think of my mom I think of when Moses came.
I hope when people think of their mom,they will do the same.


Joy said...

I love this post, and I love all the comments! What a great treasure you have found. I am so excited for you, and your family. It is so amazing to see where we came from, what was here before we were, and who. How things miraculously intersected until the moment we became life living quietly for a time in our mother's belly. Now, you have a family of your own but your history is all there, leading up to this very moment. Most of us never get to see what is behind us, what has happened to make where we are possible. It is a rare window, a special sight. You are very blessed indeed to have found a piece of your history. Love ya

Joy said...

By the way, Shelden, I love what you wrote to your mom -- it made me cry and it is beautiful. She will treasure it as part of her history too.